Wednesday, October 24, 2012

NARS Orgasm/Milani Luminous

LOVE the the blush color Orgasm by NARS! and there's a dupe for it in any drugstore called Milani Luminous, Amazing!!

NARS also has some amazing blushes. Every now and then they come out with great blush palettes with 6 colors! So if you like to switch up the colors a lot the blush palette would definitely be ideal. The NARS blush palette shown is called "Joie De Vivre". It costs $65, so basically $10.83 a blush! You can't go wrong with that. They come out with different palettes with different colors all the time so look out for the newest ones! xo

The Colors from left to right are: Albatross, Gaiety ,Luster, Laguna, Orgasm, Angelika  

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